
Boost Your Immunity During Cold & Flu Season

Catching an occasional cold or flu is inevitable. But do you sometimes feel like you catch everything that goes around the office or the family? Or maybe you feel a bit paranoid about not catching a cold or a flu because it goes straight to your lungs every time and you end up with bronchitis…or worse? Or maybe you’ve come to terms with your chronic nasal congestion, and you just make sure to carry a tissue everywhere you go…


Understanding Neuropathy and Natural Treatment Options

More than 20 million Americans suffer from peripheral neuropathy, and this number is projected to increase along with other related chronic diseases. Neuropathy has many causes but the most common is from complications associated with diabetes. Signs of neuropathy are numb, tingling, or burning feet, one-sided bands of pain, and numbness and weakness on the trunk or pelvis. Therapies for neuropathy include antidepressant medication, anti seizure medications, local anesthetic injections and injections called nerve blocks, anesthetic patches and creams, opioids and surgery for some.


Fibromyalgia: The Pain That Doesn’t Have to Be a Life Sentence

Do you experience widespread pain with no clear origin? Are you feeling stressed, tired and like you’re in a constant state of brain fog? If you’ve tried reaching out for help, you may have had your symptoms dismissed as “all in your head” or just a mental health issue. Many doctors prescribe pain medications and do little else to help. You may ask yourself, “How long will I have to take this? Is this medication safe?”


Understanding Arthritis and Natural Treatment Options

Arthritis impacts over 30 million Americans and is projected to increase significantly. In fact, joint pain is one of the top reasons people see their physicians. Signs of arthritis are joint misalignment, lack of joint mobility, morning stiffness, joint swelling, joint line tenderness, bony enlargements and pain with exercise in some cases. Most therapies for arthritis include patient education, over-the-counter analgesics (acetaminophen) and anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), a walking or light exercise program, weight management or nutrition program and many times a referral to a physical therapist or chiropractor to help with symptom management.


How to Build a Healthy Plate for Wellbeing

A healthy plate may seem confusing to build. How much of your plate should be fat or vegetables? How many carbs or proteins should be included? We understand the difficulties and have developed an easy-to-use method to help you build a healthy plate for every meal. Instead of using exact measurements, we recommend using your hand and fingers as general measuring guides to help you build a healthy plate. Nutrient needs differ by size, sex, age, activity levels, and other metabolic needs. Using the hand method for measuring matches up well with size and sex of the individual and will be perfect portions for most people.


Ulcerative Colitis: Stopping the Flares

From time to time, it is not unusual to have loose stools or diarrhea when going to the bathroom. However, excessively painful, urgent and recurring diarrhea, which may include blood or excessive mucus, is a red flag potentially indicating a more severe issue. One possible cause of those symptoms is an inflammatory bowel disease called ulcerative colitis (UC).