With aisles in grocery stores now featuring plenty of gluten- and dairy-free options, it’s clear that food sensitivity awareness has become more mainstream. In earlier years, there was some confusion about the difference between food sensitivities and food allergies.
More than 20 million Americans suffer from peripheral neuropathy, and this number is projected to increase along with other related chronic diseases. Neuropathy has many causes but the most common is from complications associated with diabetes. Signs of neuropathy are numb, tingling, or burning feet, one-sided bands of pain, and numbness and weakness on the trunk or pelvis. Therapies for neuropathy include antidepressant medication, anti seizure medications, local anesthetic injections and injections called nerve blocks, anesthetic patches and creams, opioids and surgery for some.
A healthy plate may seem confusing to build. How much of your plate should be fat or vegetables? How many carbs or proteins should be included? We understand the difficulties and have developed an easy-to-use method to help you build a healthy plate for every meal. Instead of using exact measurements, we recommend using your hand and fingers as general measuring guides to help you build a healthy plate. Nutrient needs differ by size, sex, age, activity levels, and other metabolic needs. Using the hand method for measuring matches up well with size and sex of the individual and will be perfect portions for most people.
Do you feel bloated all the time, especially after you eat? Is there pain in your belly after mealtimes that eventually leads to diarrhea? Although unpleasant to think about, almost everyone experiences these symptoms at some point. But if these are daily hurdles for you, occurring repeatedly over several months, there is more going on in your gut. This is especially the case if you find yourself staying within running distance from a bathroom, knowing you are going to be in there for 20 minutes or more at a time!